# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import h5py
import numpy as np
[docs]class HDF5:
"""Xspress 3 HDF5 Parser
A class for parsing Xspress 3 HDF5 files.
Is context managed so files are automatically closed when done
>>> with HDF5(file) as h5:
>>> h5.size()
>>> h5.mca(0,0)
>>> {'channels': 1, 'frames': 4, 'bins': 4096}
>>> [0,0,0....0]
def __init__(self, file, logger=None):
""" Create an Xspress 3 HDF5 parser instance
file (string): the hdf5 file to open
self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)
self.logger.info('Loading {file}'.format(file=file))
self._file = h5py.File(file, 'r')
self._data = np.array(self._file.get('entry/instrument/detector/data'))
self._frames = self._data.shape[0]
self._channels = self._data.shape[1]
self._bins = self._data.shape[2]
self.logger.debug('Data is of size: {chans} channels, {frames} frames, {bins} bins per MCA'.format(chans=self._channels, frames=self._frames, bins=self._data.shape[2]))
self._attrs = self._file.get('entry/instrument/detector/NDAttributes')
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
self.logger.debug('Closing file')
[docs] def size(self):
""" Returns the dimensions of the HDF5 file
size (dict): the hdf5 file dimensions
* channels (int): number of channels in the file
* frames (int): number of frames in the file
* bins (int): number of bins per mca in the file
return {
'channels': self._channels,
'frames': self._frames,
'bins': self._bins
[docs] def close(self):
""" Manually close the hdf5 file """
[docs] def mca(self, chan, frameno):
""" Returns the specified MCA
chan (int): the channel to return an MCA for
frameno (int): the frame number to return an MCA for
mca (list[int]): the MCA as a list (usually with 4096 elements)
assert chan < self._channels, 'Channel {chan} out of range of channels {chans}'.format(chan=chan, chans=self._channels)
assert frameno < self._frames, 'Frame no {fr} out of range of frames {frs}'.format(fr=frameno, frs=self._frames)
return self._data[frameno,chan,:].astype(int).tolist()
[docs] def sca(self, chan, frameno, sca):
""" Returns the specified scalar
chan (int): channel number to return scalar for, zero offset
frameno (int): the frame number to return scalar for, zero offset
sca (int): scalar to return
scalar (int): the specified scalar value
Available scalars:
0. Time in ticks
1. ResetTicks
2. ResetCount
3. AllEvent
4. AllGood
5. InWindow 0
6. InWindow 1
7. PileUp
assert chan < self._channels, 'Channel {chan} out of range of channels {chans}'.format(chan=chan, chans=self._channels)
assert frameno < self._frames, 'Frame no {fr} out of range of frames {frs}'.format(fr=frameno, frs=self._frames)
attrid = 'CHAN{chan}SCA{sca}'.format(chan=(chan+1), sca=sca)
attr = np.array(self._attrs.get(attrid))
assert attr is not None, 'No such attribute {attr}'.format(attr=attrid)
return attr[frameno]
[docs] def dtc(self, chan, frameno):
""" Returns the specified deadtime correction parameters
chan (int): channel number to return scalar for, zero offset
frameno (int): the frame number to return scalar for, zero offset
dtc_params (list): returns a list of two dead time correction params:
0. dead time correction factor
1. dead time percentage
assert chan < self._channels, 'Channel {chan} out of range of channels {chans}'.format(chan=chan, chans=self._channels)
assert frameno < self._frames, 'Frame no {fr} out of range of frames {frs}'.format(fr=frameno, frs=self._frames)
dtfid = 'CHAN{chan}DTFACTOR'.format(chan=(chan+1))
dtf = np.array(self._attrs.get(dtfid))
assert dtf is not None, 'No such attribute {attr}'.format(attr=dtfid)
dtpid = 'CHAN{chan}DTPERCENT'.format(chan=(chan+1))
dtp = np.array(self._attrs.get(dtpid))
assert dtf is not None, 'No such attribute {attr}'.format(attr=dtpid)
return [dtf[frameno], dtp[frameno]]